Hard Day's Night
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some light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
Hard Day's Night
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thank you john mieras.
Wow, how did I never notice that?
Summary: So out of the seven angels with seven trumpets, current theology says that the seventh was blown in 1914 when Jesus supposedly became king. But 'present truth' ALSO holds that the sixth trumpet was blown between 1914 and 1918 during the 'cleansing' . . . So there's an obvious contradiction here 🤔
the movie.
released in 1993. i only recently saw on streaming channel axis tv.
it stars kevin castner (butch) as an escaped convict who befriends a young witness boy( philip) who he has taken hostage.
As I recall there were several glaring inaccuracies that anyone around JWs would know better than to include. I forget if it was belief in hell or something else. I think the idea was to it just be a 'devout' religion and they eenie-meenie-minie-moed on Jehovah's Witnesses, and thought the story was more important than technical accuracy.
it has nothing to do about feeling chosen or ruling in heaven, but rather many feel it's a command for all christians, that by partaking you are accepting christ as their saviour!
john 6-.
If all were to partake why then Jesus didn't invite everyone and not just a few chosen ones
But I thought you believed that all Christians at that time were annointed anyway?
Besides, the 'last supper' wasn't really the first memorial, as there was nothing to memorialize as Jesus didn't die yet. It was more of a demo so to speak. Afterwards, ALL Christians celebrated and partook, as evidenced by Paul's writings.
why do round pizzas come in square boxes?.
why is donald trump the most amazing man ever?.
do you like putting salt on things?.
Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?
Round boxes are impractical to manufacture.
Why is Donald Trump the most amazing man ever?
Three words: drain the swamp.
Do you like putting salt on things?
What's the longest you've ever stood in line?
1-2 hours.
What if 'Cat' actually spelled 'Dog'
Sounds like a smart cat.
Do you like it when the wind blows?
To everything there is a season.
How do you like your steak cooked?
Medium-well done.
What color are your walls?
Do you like pipes?
Plumbing is usually a good thing.
a japanese sister living in kansai was asked by japan's branch office to take f. franz and his cronies to wining and dining.. her daughter left borg and are now publishing her experiences.. .
Any geishas
Unless they were Geisha boys he wouldn't be very interested.
so this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
Yes we have literal daily check ins. If we don't call them, they call us.
i was watching the local news in the background and i heard a guy talking about 3m and how florida was getting screwed.
i didn't hear the whole report.. later, i was switching through the channels and i saw the same guy talking to tucker carlson (fox news).
come to find out he is the federal cdc equivalent at the state level.
WOW disgusting is right
the witnesses teach that the "unrighteous" are brought back to life in order to learn about god during the 1000-year reign.
i don't think that's a bible teaching, for the following reason:.
1) no verse says that.
You're right.
background info: although i'm an apostate, i don't hate jehovah's witnesses, or the organization itself.
actually i find that many derogatory comments here are extremely biased.
i think most of them are amazing people, and i wish more non-witnesses were like them.
Virtually every doctrine unique to JWs doesn't hold up when examined anywhere but their own controlled setting. A prime example would be one you mentioned, the 'paradise earth'.
The same goes for 'the last days' and many more